Tricks for saving your costly furniture from harmful termites in Dubai

Termites in Dubai

Did the title of this article throw you off a bit? “Termites in Dubai! No way that’s possible!” is the most common reaction from new residents of Dubai. But the sad truth is, there are termites in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman and Abu Dhabi. And not just termites but other pests too. Termites are counted among the most dangerous pests that feed on your classy and expensive wooden furniture. These small creatures will take no time to destroy your house interior and will convert it into dust.

Usually, by the time you realize that there has been a termite infestation in your home, the damage has already been done. They secretly invade homes from the ground to live and feed on wood furniture. The case can be worst when some termites give way to fungal growth in your house. These troublesome pests can cost considerable damage to your furniture. You can find services of Termite pest control everywhere, but it is advisable first to take precautionary steps by yourself.

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you to protect your home and wood furniture from termites:

Always keep your furniture away from Moisture

Humid and dark places are the favourite hideouts of termites. If there is moisture around your furniture the risk of termites flocking your expensive furniture is high. So, make sure your furniture area is well-ventilated. Look if there is any seepage from the external wall and fix it accordingly.

Takeaway Tip: When you are thinking to clean your furniture, do a gentle wipe with a dry microfiber cloth or you can even use non-toxic cleaners for deep cleaning. Do not wipe with a wet cloth as it may cause dampness. 

Switch to right wood polish

Wood polishes not only gives a new and good look to your furniture but is also responsible to keep your furniture in a healthy condition. Wood polish acts as the coating which increases the resistance of wood against moisture and other environmental agents like water.  In the Dubai market, you can also search for wood polishes that contain substances that are repellent to termites which will give additional benefit to your wooden furniture.

Takeaway Tip: Do well market research, compare preparation of wood polish and buy the best one. Buy a wood polish that will give you the benefit of protecting furniture from termites to some extent. 

3. Use anti-termite chemicals

Your furniture needs little care from you and that care starts from the beginning. Once your carpenter has fabricated raw material of your furniture, it is advisable to use an anti-termite chemical or use a wood preservative on the surface. After chemical application, allow the plywood to dry for at least 6-8 hours. This treatment imparts good resistance to termites.

Takeaway Tip: It is advisable to use herbal anti-termite chemicals as they are odourless, ecologically friendly and non-toxic, after all, your health is the first priority.

4. Make sure your wood furniture is away from soil:

The most important tip to protect your furniture from termites’ attack is to make sure that it is not in direct contact with soil. Direct contact may allow termites to bore straight into your wooden furniture.

Take away Tip: Keep your wooden furniture on a tiled or concrete base. 

5.    Avail Pest control Services:

Besides the above-mentioned tips, it is advisable to get pest control done every one or two years. Golden Falcon is a leading pest control company in Dubai that provides effective treatments and use strong solutions to exterminate termites.

It is better to opt for professional service as most pesticides are toxic and harmful. So, time to take standard precautionary measures before it is too late.

Takeaway tip: These tiny dangerous creatures often go undetected;
but if you trace powdered wood around furniture or you witness hollow wood
sound after tapping your furniture, go for pest control services immediately.

Homemade Tricks To Eliminate Termites:

  • Aleo-vera is a remedy for most of the problems. And it also works well with termites’ elimination. All you have to do is to extract aloe vera juice and crush the whole leaf of the plant and soak the mass in water. Rub this extract over your wooden furniture. It will generate a layer that termites cannot cross.
  • The second option is to mix one part white vinegar and four parts of olive oil and apply it to your wood furniture. This will act as a barrier that is believed to repel termites. So, give it a try.
  • Golden Rays of sunlight can really help you to solve termite’s problem as it acts as a natural disinfectant. Try to expose termite-infested furniture to strong sunlight continuously for two or three days and see the wonders.

Hope you found the solution to protect your classic wooden furniture from little, creepy dangerous creatures. If you have any other suggestions share them in the Comments section below.

Other articles to read: Will pest control treatment eliminate bed bugs?

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