5 things to know before hiring a Disinfection & Sanitization company in Dubai.

sanitization & disinfection checklist dubai

Sanitization and disinfection of your homes, offices, and workplaces can’t be ignored at any cost. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, it has become more important than ever! After all, we can’t let the safety of our loved ones be at stake. Therefore, it is imperative to seek help from professionals to safeguard ourselves from any pathogens. But, with so many ads for different sanitization services in Dubai popping up every day, it can be a bit difficult to choose the right company. So, the question is, which Disinfection & sanitization service can you trust?

Before you start looking for your options, you must know what exactly you are looking for in a sanitization service. Not sure what points to check before booking a sanitization service? Don’t worry, we have got your back. In the next few minutes, we will unveil the top 5 things you must know before hiring a Disinfection & sanitization company in Dubai.

Let’s begin!

First things first, check if the company is using legit products?

Before you trust any sanitization and disinfection company make sure you check whether they are using government-approved disinfection products. All the products that will be used in your workplace and homes should be safe for human contact.

Make sure they use only the products that have passed the regressive testing methods and don’t pose any harm. Also, watch out for Suma Pine Disinfectant D47, Suma Final Step 1024 Sanitizer, TB Disinfectant Cleaner, Taski Degragerm SD. And if you hear a company making claims to disinfect your home from coronavirus, then don’t fall for these false promises. Enquire about the products they are going to use and check if they are eligible under EPA’s Emerging Pathogen Policy

How to know if your place has been disinfected?

A legitimate company will never hesitate in taking the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) test. It is a popular test used by healthcare systems and hospitals to maintain the highest levels of sanitization and cleanliness. This technology covers all the high points and neglected areas that you may overlook and ensure proper disinfection.

So, if your company is willing to take this test, then go for it! Also, ask them about the germ kill time. It is the time required for the disinfectant to stay on the surfaces for the sanitization process. Ideally, 3-5 minute kill time is considered good, so if the company is using disinfectants with greater than 5 minutes kill time, then this is a big red flag!

Do they take care of airborne pathogens?

Considering the current situation, the threat of deadly airborne viruses has grown more than ever. These viral particles can remain in the air for several days to weeks. Hence, make sure to check whether your disinfection team covers this vector point as well. 

Do they have the proper license?

Whenever hiring a disinfection company, ask if they have the required license and certifications for the job. A legitimate company won’t mind proving its authenticity. Ask for Certification Of Insurance, as it is a safeguard in case of any mishaps. 

How is your service better than what I can do on my own?

It is one of the most essential questions to throw at the disinfection and sanitization company. It will give them a window to explain their services, processes, and techniques in detail. It is a silver bullet to weed out legitimate services from the others. If the team offers to “fog” your place or asks you to go for the new “spray and wipe technique”, then make sure not to fall in these traps. These techniques will never give you the desired results. 

Asking these simple yet important questions will help you to figure out whether the company will meet your expectations. If you are ready to leave your sanitization and disinfection worries to professionals, then Golden Pest is your one-stop destination for all your disinfection needs. We are one of the most renowned Disinfection & sanitization companies in Dubai. Our tailored solutions are devised to meet all your requirements.

Need any help? Contact Us Today!

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