Rodent Borne Diseases

Rodent Control & diseases

Rodent born diseases are carried by rodents such as rats, mice and bats and can be transmitted to humans in a number of ways such as contact with rodent waste, rodent bite, consuming food or water contaminated by rodent waste or through parasites that use rodents as hosts’ e.g. fleas and ticks. Rodents play a significant role in the transmission of many disease causing pathogens to humans causing severe health issues which if left untreated can prove to be fatal. Rodents thrive in warm, wet winters and springs and also when there is a breakdown in sanitation and inadequate hygiene. Unclean surroundings are the perfect breeding ground for rodents and can therefore increase the spread of rodent borne diseases. In addition to this, their nesting habits can cause damage to the structure of buildings. Rodents are usually secretive and therefore rodent infestation can be difficult to confirm. However, with the appearance of certain signs like rat droppings, or presence of dead or living rats, damaged floor boards, holes in walls or ceilings or food scraps littered on paths. Rodents can act as both intermediate infected hosts or as hosts for vectors such as fleas and ticks causing various kinds of diseases. Rodent borne diseases fall in two categories; diseases that are directly transmitted from rodents and diseases indirectly transmitted by rodents through vectors. pesticides. 

  1. Diseases transmitted directly from exposure to rat infected faeces, urine or bites:
  2. Diseases indirectly transmitted by rodents:

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